Saturday, March 16, 2013

Build Service Released!

Integrate ParametricParts into your application or website!

We're pleased to announce that a beta version of our model build service is released!

Our build service allows you to use a simple REST endpoint to build models from any application or website.  This is a very flexible service that offers lots of flexibility for your application:

  • Build models in STL, STEP, AMF, or Three.js  format ( for display )
  • Build models that are stored on, or keep the scripts on your server and send the script with the request
We hope this service will open up lots of possibilities for new applications-- from people wanting to build a website around a collection of models, to new applications designed to take 3D productivity to the next level.

Read more about the API here:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Parametric Parts in Action: Demo Video

We've posted a video that shows Parametric Parts in action: basic configuration and even some simple editing....

Check it out!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

STEP Import Functionality Completed!

Now Parametric Parts offers the exclusive ability to import STEP files, and then allow parametric modifications to them.

You can choose to upload models to our server for use in your ModelScript, or you can download them directly from another source ( typically Thingiverse ).

Check out this example of a pulley, with a quick script to modify the bore:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Beta Version Launched

We have launched a beta version of Parametric!

Of course we're already working on adding features that have been requested by the community.. namely:

  • Import STEP/STL  files from other CAD packages into a model
We're also in the process of making some introductory videos...